Could Selen Financial and Bayview Services become your new Landlord?

Senator Warren spoke the Senate on Wednesday September 30, 2015 to detail how HUD, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are in collusion with Hedge funds. She argued that it should be no real surprise that with government support; single family homes are packaged and sold to wall street. (Source: for-housing-market-9eec5fa0, nearly-half- homes/,, collect-your-rent-20120319) ·

Fannie and Freddie CEOs and Board of Directors tied to Wall Street: Timothy J. Mayopoulos: CEO of Fannie Mae, former Executive Vice President of Bank of America, former senior management of Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse First Boston Donald H. Layton: CEO of Freddie Mac, Former Vice Chairperson of JP Morgan Chase (30 years with JP Morgan Chase and its predecessors) David H. Sidwell: Former Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Morgan Stanley, 20 years with JP Morgan Chase as top executive, Fannie Mae Board of Director Brenda Gaines: CEO of Diners Club North America, a subsidiary of Citigroup; Fannie Mae Board of Director Jonathan Plutzik: Former Vice Chairman of Credit Suisse First Boston, Fannie Mae Board of Directors Linda B. Bammann: Retired Executive Vice President of JP Morgan Chase, Freddie Mac Board of Directors Carolyn Bryd: CEO of Global Tech Financial LLC, Former President of Coca-Cola Financial Corporation, Freddie Mac Board of Directors Source: us/governance/board-directors.html, governance/bod.htm

Wall street hedge funds and trusts like Blackstone, Lone star trust, Bayview Servicing and Selene Financial are buying single family homes. The future wish list of these trusts and investors are to become your landlord. These new landlords will use the same tactics with homeowners that they will with tenants. The fear, which is already demonstrated in California, is that they provide very little maintenance of the property, they have very high late fees; hike rent indiscriminately and move to evict quickly. As the mortgage crisis was a national, international crisis so is the next affordable housing event. Single family homes and Trust landlords have appeared in Los Angeles, Portland, Boston, and as far away as Spain and Tokyo. One Solution has been advocated in New York is to allow a community trust. The idea is to allow nonprofit housing counselors and other organizations such as Catholic Charities to have first options to buy single family homes at auction. The non-profit/ charity could then provide a reasonable loan repayment for the original family living in the home. The loan would be at a reasonable rate, terms of repayment and at the auction value vs the predatory loan value offered originally. If you want more information about what you can do to help go to and right to the city alliance.