Employees get financial help from Employers for their student loans?

According to Pew Research Center: Social and Demographic Trends, 53% of employers are likely to stay at their current job with SLP, 64% of employees are likely to recommend their company to a friend for employment opportunity, and 74% of employees report being happy at their place of employment with SLP(2016). Since this launch, many…

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Toys R Us – Bankruptcy on the horizon?

Over 50% of Americans shop online or at discount stores such as Wal-Mart. Could this be a reason why Toys ‘R’ Us is preparing for bankruptcy? Toys ‘R’ Us is $5 billion dollars in debt. They are currently working on a loan to fund its potential bankruptcy. This is assumed to come before the holiday…

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Secret Service…Broke?

Has the Secret Service Gone broke trying to protect Trump? Over 1000 agents have already exceeded the mandated cap for overtime. This was supposed to last them a year. A total of 42 people are being protected and 18 of them are members of his family. However, during Obama’s administration, there was only 31. This…

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Tuition Free New York City Colleges

Hillary Clinton and Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into effect a law that provides free tuition to public colleges and universities in New York State. The requirements and stipulations makes me question whether “free” college tuition has seen achieved or if it remains out of reach. Any progress towards this goal is appreciated, but upon reading…

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Student loan dischargeable debt

A simple internet search can discourage anyone from trying to file their student loan debt as dischargeable bankruptcy, but it is in fact a debt that can be resolved through bankruptcy law. Michelle Labayen has successfully discharged or reduced student loan debt for numerous clients. The debtor must prove that repaying their loans places an…

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President Trump and Student Loan Debt

As a hopeful optimist, I looked at President-elect Donald Trump’s proposal for student loan debt. His plan is to increase the rate of repayment from 10% as in Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE) to 12.5% so the student can be out of debt in fifteen years opposed to twenty. Several websites and students worry…

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President Trump on Mortgages

BIG tax cuts! That is the anthem of Trump’s mortgage plan for affordable housing. His appointed Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin announced a cap on mortgage interest deductions that will overall benefit the wealthy more than the intended middle class. Ironically, this plan will cost the United States $96 million, paid for by foregone taxes.…

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Supreme Court and Bankruptcy News

The Supreme Court faces a decision that could change Chapter 11 bankruptcy indefinitely.  In 2006, the Jevic Transportation Company was buyed out for $77.4 million by the private equity firm Sun Capital Partners.  Two years later, Jevic had to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy because of too much debt. The bankruptcy put 1,785 drivers and…

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Big Update – State Of NY Denies The Right To Foreclose

On April 28, 2016 Judge Lizabeth Gonzalez of the State of New York, denied Wells Fargo the right to foreclose against home owner Wakelyn Phillips. The denial basically means that the bank cannot demand payments from the homeowners for the mortgage. The judge made this decision based on a simple and basic premise that to…

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Obama Student Loan Forgiveness Program

In this season of giving, students should extend a thank you to government student loan forgiveness programs such as the Obama Student Loan Forgiveness Program. Originally called the William D. Ford Direct Loan Program, it has since been nicknamed due to Obama’s changes. Some of the changes Obama has made include total debt forgiveness for…

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Could Selen Financial and Bayview Services become your new Landlord?

Senator Warren spoke the Senate on Wednesday September 30, 2015 to detail how HUD, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are in collusion with Hedge funds. She argued that it should be no real surprise that with government support; single family homes are packaged and sold to wall street. (Source: http://sierramadre.patch.com/articles/realtors-sale-of-foreclosed-homes-to-spell-doom- for-housing-market-9eec5fa0, http://www.baycitizen.org/housing/story/report-investors-buy- nearly-half- homes/,http://money.cnn.com/2012/02/29/real_estate/Fannie_foreclosure_homes/index.htm, http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/taibblog/another-hidden-bailouthelping-wall-street-…

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College For All Act

Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders aims to make an overall more educated workforce in America with his College for All Act. Without his plan, Sanders believes America will only continue to fall further behind the world economy. Sanders’ solution to the U.S. falling behind is by making all public colleges and universities free of…

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50 Cent and Bankruptcy

Award winning American rapper, singer, entrepreneur, investor and actor Curtis James Jackson III A.K.A. 50 Cent filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. 50 Cent noted that he filed for bankruptcy as a means of reorganizing his finances.      Chapter 11 is a  repayment and restructuring of debt. If a person meets the income requirement to file for chapter…

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Difference Between Federal and Private Student Loans

The idea that “student loans are just student loans” is the very idea that gets students into lasting debt. There are major differences between federal and private loans that include leniency to debt repayment, loan forgiveness, interest rates, and consequences for default on payments. Federal student loans can be better for students because it does…

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Department of Education vs. Obama

Obama has become the poster boy for the Democratic Party, accomplishing universal health care, legalizing gay marriage, recovering a nation in an economic crisis, and solving countless other problems during his presidency.  One of the last issues he hopes to improve before leaving office is student loan reform.  He has gone after corrupt career training…

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